Ulcere ischemiche del piede diabetico: terapia cellulare autologa come possibile trattamento adiuvante

Ischemic diabetic foot ulcers: autologous cell therapy as a possible adjuvant treatment

Risultati di uno studio prospettico non controllato sul trattamento cellulare con cellule mononucleate da sangue periferico in pazienti affetti da piede diabetico ulcerato e malattia dei piccoli vasi: efficacia, sicurezza e valutazione economica


Results from a prospective uncontrolled study on autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with small artery disease and diabetic foot ulcers: efficacy, safety, and economic evaluation


Background/aim: this editorial is aimed at providing some insights on cell therapy in patients with diabetic foot ulcers and no-option critical limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI).
Methods and results: the present paper revised the available evidence on cell therapy in patients affected by diabetes and peripheral artery disease and reported the main results of a recently published uncontrolled study on the effects of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) therapy in patients with diabetic foot ulcers, no-option CLTI, and small artery disease. All patients included in that study were allocated in a surgery waiting-list for major amputations. Patients treated with autologous PBMNC experienced a significant reduction of pain levels, an increase of oxygen tissue levels, a high rate of healing without the need of a major amputation.
Conclusions: the present paper illustrates the possible favorable effects of PBMNC cell therapy in patients with diabetes and peripheral artery disease even in presence of microangiopathy.